Let us awake, set aside our indifference, and open the bars of the prisons in which we have sometimes shut ourselves. May each of us discover our #Vocation in the Church and in the world, becoming pilgrims of hope and artisans of peace!
Thank you to everyone for the well wishes! We’re still making our way through them and are incredibly grateful to everyone who took the time to write & message. Personally, I wanted to use this photo, but for some reason I was vetoed… Show more
Trudeau and Poilievre both want to replace single houses in leafy neighbourhoods where you can raise children with cramped apartments to house the millions of immigrants they want to import. Who exactly benefits from Show more
#BushraImranKhan endoscopy done. Govt doctors, Shifa doctor and Dr Asim were present. Also some family members. I will share details only after I have heard from doctors and read the reports