Spanish Language Day

Spanish Language Day Quick Facts in US

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2025 DateApril 23, 2025
2026 DateApril 23, 2026

Spanish Language Day

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Spanish Language Day History

Spanish Language Day seeks to increase awareness about the history, culture, and achievements of the Spanish language. Spanish is a Romance language, and it is the second most spoken language in the world. This day makes up one of six UN language days. The aim is to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity by exploring main languages.

Spanish Language Day was established in 2010 by the United Nations to promote the organizations six official languages. It is observed annually on April 23rd, a date coinciding with the death of Miguel de Cervantes. Cervantes is considered one of the greatest Spanish writers and is celebrated as a genius of Spanish letters. His most notable work is Don Quixote.

Facts about Spanish Language Day

  • According to Rosetta Stone, Spanish is the second most spoken language around the world with over 500 million speakers.
  • One of the most well-known and important works of the Spanish language is Miguel de Cervantes’ El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha).
  • The third most popular language on the internet is Spanish. It follows behind Russian which is second, and English which is first.

Top things to do in the US for Spanish Language Day

  • Watch the UN's webinar celebrating Spanish Language Day. The webinar focuses on raising awareness about gender-inclusive Spanish.
  • Learn Spanish, enjoy Spanish food and culture, or read Spanish works of literature.
  • Watch a movie highlighting Spanish culture or themes. Here are our suggestions:
    Pain and Glory (Dolor Y Gloria) (2019)
    Roma (2018)
    Pan's Labyrinth (El laberinto del fauno) (2006)

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