Walk to School Day

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Walk to School Day Quick Facts

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Walk to School Day

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Walk to School Day History

Walk to School Day promotes the many benefits of walking and encourages children to walk to school with an aim to consider personal and environmental health. It offers a chance to make connections within communities, while youth gain independence and experience the responsibility of going to school on their own.

First organized by the Partnership for a Walkable America in 1997, Walk to School Day began as a one-day event to promote the need for communities to be walkable. It quickly transformed into a movement that has encompassed over 40 countries, highlighting the importance of safer and improved streets, healthier habits, and cleaner environments.

The event has been embraced by schools across the United States, often featuring local parades, while officials and policy makers use it to assess pedestrian safety and advocate for infrastructure improvements. Walk to School Day rolls around every year on the first Wednesday in October, providing a platform for schools, families, and individuals to prioritize walkability and create a safe, welcoming environment for students to enjoy their journey to school.

Walk to School Day facts

  • Walking and biking to school reduce carbon footprints and air pollution emissions.
  • 37.4% of U.S children walk, bike, or skate to school, according to a 2016 study by the California government.
  • Walking to school can help children develop important life skills such as road and traffic safety, route finding, and time management.
  • Studies have shown that children who walk or cycle to school have improved concentration and are significantly less stressed than those who travel by car.
  • According to a report by Safe Routes to School National Partnership, the risks of a child being abducted or harmed when walking to school are extremely low.

Top things to do for Walk to School Day

  • Teach your children how to cross the street and remind them to always look both ways before crossing.
  • Educate your family members or engage in a virtual workshop to discuss and practice pedestrian safety. Teach the importance of using crosswalks, obeying traffic signals, and being aware of surroundings while walking.
  • Plan a walk with family or friends. Research nearby walking routes, parks, or trails in your community that you and your family can safely access.
  • Encourage family members and friends to walk or bike for short trips instead of relying on cars.

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