Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday Quick Facts in the EU

AKA NamePancake Tuesday, Pancake day, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday
HashtagsCompiled on#ShroveTuesday
Related Hashtags#Pancakes
2025 Date4 March 2025
2026 Date17 February 2026

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)

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Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) History

Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day, serves as a day of feasting in preparation for the impending period of fasting and religious observance during Lent. Much of its symbolism, practices, and festivities associated with Shrove Tuesday hinge on the idea of using up rich foods, such as eggs and fats, before the stringent dietary restrictions of Lent begin. Hence, its popular recognition as Pancake Day since pancakes are a simple and tasty way to use up these ingredients.

The origins of Shrove Tuesday trace back to medieval times and over the centuries, distinctive cultural practices have developed in European countries. In the United Kingdom, for instance, pancake races, where participants run while flipping pancakes in a pan, have become a cherished tradition. Meanwhile, in France and other Francophone countries, the holiday is known as Mardi Gras, which translates to Fat Tuesday, indicating the indulgence in rich, fatty foods before Lent. Despite the diverse ways of celebration, the common thread in Europe remains the preparation and consumption of pancakes, using this day to expend ingredients that would otherwise be abstained from during the Lent period.

Traditional practices often include churchgoing and bell ringing, consumption of pancakes with various toppings, and in some regions, vibrant carnivals and parades. While practices vary to a degree, the symbolic preparation for Lent through indulgence, often symbolized by pancakes, persists across European cultures. For many, Shrove Tuesday remains an anticipated blend of culinary enjoyment and venerable tradition. In the European Union, Shrove Tuesday typically falls in February or March, however the specific date varies each year as it is determined by the course of the Easter calendar.

Facts about Shrove Tuesday

  • According to National Geographic, the first recorded mentioned of pancakes came from a poem written in ancient Greece during 600 BC.
  • The word shrove is past tense of shrive, a verb meaning to confess and be absolved of sin.
  • Rich foods such as meats, fats, eggs, milk and sugar were restricted during Lent. Therefore, to use up all of the milk, eggs and sugar, pancakes were made and have since become a tradition for celebrating Shrove Tuesday.
  • In Portugal, Shrove Tuesday is called "Terça-feira Gorda" or "Fat Tuesday." A popular tradition is the "Carnival of Torres Vedras," where people wear masks and colorful costumes, and participate in parades. Typical Portuguese foods consumed during this period include "malassadas," a sugary, fried doughnut.
  • Shrove Tuesday is often associated with carnival celebrations in many European countries, such as the Carnival of Venice in Italy, Fastelavn in Denmark, and Fasnacht in Germany and Switzerland. These festivities usually include parades, parties, and indulging in food and drink.

Top things to do in the EU for Shrove Tuesday

  • Eat pancakes! Catholics and other Christians use Shrove Tuesday to get rid of all sugar, fats and eggs in the house by making pancakes, which not only reduces waste but also temptation.
  • Decide what you will sacrifice for Lent. If you are not Christian or don’t observe Lent, then consider refraining from a habit such as smoking, eating junk food or buying fast food.
  • Carnaval de Binche in Belgium: Belgium's annual Carnaval de Binche is a popular kind of Mardi Gras celebration. This carnaval is a UNESCO Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
  • Read a book:
    Lent, Passiontide and Easter - by Horton Davies: It explores the religious significance of the Lenten period including Shrove Tuesday.

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