International Day of Older Persons

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International Day of Older Persons

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International Day of Older Persons History

International Day of Older Persons is a global observance aimed at promoting the well-being and respect for senior citizens worldwide. It draws attention to older individuals' significant contributions to society and the challenges they often face, including age-based discrimination, social marginalization, and health concerns. By focusing on these issues and seeking solutions, the event encourages the empowerment and participation of elderly persons in all aspects of life, ultimately fostering a society that values their wisdom, experience, and knowledge.

In India, the International Day of Older Persons concept holds considerable importance due to the country's large aging population. Officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 1990, the event has since gained momentum in addressing various challenges faced by India's elderly demographic. With a focus on the socio-economic development of the older population, the government and various non-profit organizations have implemented policies and initiatives in areas like healthcare, housing, financial security, and emotional well-being. This increased awareness and support for senior citizens in India stems from the need to address the challenges and opportunities an aging society poses.

Each year, on the 1st of October, the International Day of Older Persons is celebrated in India through various events and programs designed to engage and acknowledge the contributions of senior citizens to the nation. These events include informational sessions, health check-up camps, monetary and material support initiatives, and cultural programs that entertain and honour older persons' presence in society. The ultimate goal of this observance in India is to advocate for the rights and dignity of older people, striving toward a society that cherishes and supports its senior citizens, enabling them to lead fulfilling, active, and secure lives.

International Day of Older Persons facts

  • The theme for International Day of Older Persons in 2023 is was Fulfilling the Promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Older Persons – Across Generations. in 2022 the theme was Resilience of Older Persons in a Changing World.
  • Despite misconceptions, mental capabilities such as wisdom and knowledge often improve with age. Many older people continue to learn, work, and contribute to their communities.
  • Older people have lower physiological reserves, meaning they have less ability to compensate for stressors such as disease or injury.
  • Older women in India may experience disadvantages compared to older men, such as lower literacy rates, limited access to economic resources, and social isolation. Women tend to live longer, leading to higher numbers of widows who may require special attention and assistance.
  • Many older persons in India reside within the joint family system, where multiple generations live together under one roof. However, urbanization and a shift towards nuclear family systems are slowly changing this pattern.

Top things to do in India for this observance

  • Pay a visit to an old age home or a senior citizen care center and spend some quality time with the residents. Engage in conversations, listen to their stories, and offer emotional support. You can also organize fun activities, cultural programs, or games to make their day special.
  • The Government of India offers subsidized pilgrimage tours to senior citizens under the Senior Citizen Pilgrimage Scheme. Encourage and help elders in your family or community to avail this opportunity and embark on a spiritual journey on this special day.

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