International Albinism Awareness Day

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International Albinism Awareness Day

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International Albinism Awareness Day History

International Albinism Awareness Day is an occasion to shed light on the unique challenges faced by people living with albinism, a rare genetic condition characterized by little or no melanin pigment in the hair, skin, and eyes. The Observance aims to raise awareness, debunk myths, and promote the rights and well-being of individuals with albinism. It addresses issues such as socially imposed stigma, discrimination, and violence, emphasizing that people with albinism deserve equal opportunities, respect, and protection against harmful practices.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed June 13th as International Albinism Awareness Day in 2014, after a resolution that was initiated by the government of Tanzania. South Africa has an estimated albinism prevalence of 1 in 4,000, with people with albinism often facing misperceptions and prejudice. This annual Observance holds particular importance for South Africans, given the high rates of misconceptions and attacks on people with albinism, many rooted in misguided cultural beliefs. International Albinism Awareness Day highlights the need for improved access to healthcare, resources, and support, a crucial factor for those with the genetic condition in the country.

On International Albinism Awareness Day, various events are organized across South Africa to encourage a better understanding of the condition and showcase the abilities of those living with it. Activities typically include workshops, seminars, and campaigns designed to educate the public and challenge negative stereotypes. Art and cultural events, such as music and dance performances, also form part of the celebrations. South Africans observe the International Albinism Awareness Day on June 13th, in line with the international community, to foster solidarity and shared advocacy for a more inclusive society.

International Albinism Awareness Day facts

  • It is estimated that about 1 in 17,000 people worldwide has some form of albinism.
  • Albinism is often associated with various visual impairments, such as nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), strabismus (crossed or misaligned eyes), and photophobia (sensitivity to light).
  • Albinism is caused by a genetic mutation that affects the production of melanin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for coloring the skin, hair, and eyes. It is typically inherited when both parents carry the gene mutation.
  • South Africa has reported cases of violence against people with albinism, including killings, mutilations, and even grave robberies. These acts are often fueled by the belief in witchcraft, where body parts of people with albinism are believed to have magical properties and can bring wealth or success.
  • Given the high levels of sun exposure in South Africa, people with albinism have an increased risk of developing skin cancer due to the lack of melanin in their skin.

Top things to do in South Africa for this observance

  • Register for the virtual choir hosted by National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation.
  • Explore a reading list that can help educate and spark conversation about albinism.
  • Many non-profit organizations and charities in South Africa work hard to provide support to individuals with albinism and their families. You can contribute by donating, volunteering or fundraising to help support their initiatives.
  • Highlight the achievements and accomplishments of individuals with albinism in your local community. Share their stories and experiences to inspire others and promote acceptance and understanding.

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