Europe Day

Europe Day Quick Facts in the EU

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2025 Date9 May 2025
2026 Date9 May 2026

Europe Day

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Europe Day History

Europe Day celebrates the peace and unity in Europe. Following the trauma of World War II, Robert Schuman outlined his vision of an interconnected Europe, one single community to avoid future conflict. The speech was seen as the beginning and foundation of what would later become the European Steel and Coal Community and finally evolve into the European Union.

Europe Day is celebrated annually on 9 May annually, a day that marks the anniversary of the historical ‘Schuman Declaration,’ which set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe to make war unthinkable.

Top facts about Europe Day

  • The theme for Europe Day in 2023 was Europe is yours!
  • The total population of the entire European Union is approximately 505.67 million people. Its population density is approximately 119 inhabitants per square kilometre.
  • The European Steel and Coal Community’s 6 original members were France, West Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The European Union now comprises 28 European Nations.
  • The European Union has 23 official languages. European Parliament debates are translated into all of them.
  • It is not acceptable that European Union countries are divided into those who give and those who take. – Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourgish politician and President of the European Commission.

Europe Day Top Events and Things to Do

  • Visit open doors day at European institutions. There is a display composed of 28 flags, which are the 28 European Union flags that are separate but can be assembled together. It is meant to symbolize the unity and coming together of the EU.
  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtags #EuropeDay, #TogetherWereStronger and #EuropeanUnion.
  • Visit the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. It is a castle from the 19th century and is one of the most beautiful and impressive buildings in all of the EU.
  • Visit the Turning Torso in Malmo, Sweden. Sweden is a member of the EU and the building is an architectural marvel, as it is the first twisting building in the world. The materials were sourced from many EU nations.
  • Read a book about the EU. Some of our favourites are: The Price of Victory, Ernest Bevin and A Life at the Centre.

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