International Day of Peace

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International Day of Peace

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International Day of Peace History

The International Day of Peace is dedicated to reinforcing the ideals of peace among all nations and people. Established by the United Nations (UN), the event aims to promote various activities surrounding global peace, including ceasefires in conflict zones, educational programs, and public awareness initiatives. The day serves as an opportunity to recognize the ongoing efforts of countless individuals and organizations working towards pausing hostilities and fostering harmony among people worldwide.

In the United States, the International Day of Peace has particular relevance due to the nation's multifaceted role on the global stage. The observance was first introduced following a proposal by the UN General Assembly in 1981, and today serves as an avenue for US citizens to reflect on the importance of peacebuilding, diplomacy, and conflict resolution both at home and abroad. The day also invites American individuals and institutions to engage in educational and commemorative events, highlighting the collective responsibility to actively participate in pursuing global peace.

The International Day of Peace is celebrated through various events, such as conferences, public gatherings, and educational activities organized by schools, community groups, and NGOs. Participants are encouraged to engage in acts of peace, service, and reflection, as well as to foster a greater understanding of diverse cultures and histories. The International Day of Peace is observed annually on September 21st.

Facts & quotes about International Day of Peace

  • The theme for International Day of Peace in 2023 was Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals.
  • The GPI ranks 163 independent states and territories (collectively accounting for 99.7 per cent of the world’s population) according to their levels of peacefulness.
  • In 1945, the United Nations was formed based upon the worldwide desire for peace. This came after the most destructive war in the history of mankind - World War II.
  • On International Day of Peace day, the UN Secretary-General rings a bell made from the coins donated by 60 countries and holds a special ceremony to observe this special day.
  • Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding - Albert Einstein
  • It is not enough to teach children how to read, write and count. Education has to cultivate mutual respect for others and the world in which we live, and help people forge more just, inclusive and peaceful societies. - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the 100-day countdown message to the International Day of Peace.

Top things to do in the US for International Day of Peace

  • Plant a peace tree. The LEAF International Organization helps schools around the globe plant trees for peace and prepare for a more sustainable future.
  • Light a candle at dusk in support of world peace.
  • Visit the United Nations in New York City.
  • Watch a movie about peacebuilding. Some good suggestions: A Force More Powerful, Little Town of Bethlehem and The Imam and the Pastor.
  • Practice peaceful resolution and problem solving skills in your daily interpersonal interactions.

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