Yom HaAtzma'ut

Yom HaAtzma'ut Quick Facts in AU

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2025 Date1 May 2025
2026 Date22 April 2026


Yom-HaAtzmaut in

Yom HaAtzma'ut (Israel) History

Yom HaAtzmaut, or Israel’s Independence Day, celebrates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. It serves to memorialize this important milestone in Israeli history and to honor the commitment, sacrifices, and contributions of its citizens to their homeland. Across the globe, Jews and Israel supporters participate in various events commemorating the day, such as marches, prayer services, and communal feasts.

Yom HaAtzmaut has a special relevance to the Jewish community in Australia as well. Following the end of World War II and the Holocaust, Australia welcomed Jewish migrants and Holocaust survivors, including many from Israel. Over time, the Australian Jewish community has grown and fostered strong connections to Israel. That bond is evident in their annual celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut, which reflects not only appreciation for Hebrew history and culture but also a deep connection to a homeland that shares in their heritage.

Celebrations of Yom HaAtzmaut include public gatherings, community meals, cultural displays, and educational events are held in synagogues, schools, and Jewish community centers across Australia. These activities offer an opportunity not just to remember Israel's history, but also to foster unity and pride in the Australian Jewish community. This celebration typically occurs on the 5th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, which usually falls in late April or early May, mirroring the timing in Israel.

Yom HaAtzma'ut (Israel) facts

  • Many Jewish prophets in the Bible prophesied that the Children of Israel would return to their land. Isaiah, Jeremiah and Zachariah made notable prophecies. For example, Jeremiah 29:10. This is what the Lord says: 'When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place'.
  • According to Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook and many others in the Religious Zionist camp, the founding of the State of Israel was considered to be Atchalta De'Geulah the beginning of the final redemption.
  • Many celebrations feature traditional Israeli foods and dance, including the folk dance style known as "hora".
  • The date of Yom HaAtzmaut in the Gregorian calendar changes every year because it follows the Hebrew calendar. It is observed on the 5th of Iyar, except when it falls on a Friday or Saturday, in which case it is moved to avoid Sabbath restrictions.

Top things to do in Australia for Yom HaAtzma'ut

  • Attend a Yom Haazmaut Party, held at many local Israeli/Jewish Communities on the Eve of Yom Haazmaut. Typically, Israeli food is served, followed by a fireworks display. A live broadcast of the Yom Haazmaut ceremony from Har Herzl, Jerusalem may be watched and culminates in the singing of the Hatikvah, the Israeli National Anthem.
  • Attend a lecture on the connection between Jews, Israel and the Bible. Yeshivah University holds many public lectures on this topic.
  • Visit Jewish Museums: Jewish museums, like the Sydney Jewish Museum or the Jewish Museum of Australia in Melbourne, sometimes hold Yom HaAtzmaut events or exhibitions.
  • Read a book to learn more about Yom-HaAtzmaut in Australia
    1) The Jews in Australia - by Suzanne D. Rutland: This book provides a comprehensive history of the Jewish community in Australia, which would surely include their celebration of important holidays like Yom HaAtzmaut.
    2) Australia and Israel: A Diasporic, Cultural and Political Relationship - by Fania Oz-Salzberger & Efraim Chalamish: A deep dive into the ties between Australia and Israel, which may cover Jewish holidays.

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