National Best Friend Day

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2024 Date8 June 2024
2025 Date8 June 2025

National Best Friend Day

National Best Friend Day in

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National Bestfriend Day History

National Best Friend Day is an annual observance dedicated to the celebration and appreciation of best friends, the exceptional individuals who play an irreplaceable role in our lives by providing ongoing support, love, and companionship. Emphasising the importance of honouring and nurturing these treasured relationships, National Best Friend Day encourages people to express gratitude and recognise the significance of their closest allies. This special occasion emphasises the value of strong connections and the positive impact that these relationships have on mental and emotional wellbeing.

National Best Friend Day has gathered momentum in recent years, largely due to the widespread influence of social media, which has facilitated communication and connection on a global scale. Australians have embraced this observance as a valuable opportunity to appreciate their best friends, understanding the importance of these relationships in fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie within their communities. National Best Friend Day resonates with many Australians, as it serves as a reminder that strong, supportive friendships are vital for physical and mental health, whilst also strengthening social bonds across the nation.

Typical customs and activities for National Best Friend Day in Australia include sending heartfelt messages or thoughtful gifts, organising special catch-ups or events, and utilising social media to publicly acknowledge and celebrate the bond between best friends. People may also use the occasion to reminisce about joyful memories shared or create new adventures for the future. National Best Friend Day is celebrated on June 8th annually.

National Best Friend Day facts

  • According to anthropologist Robin Dunbar of the University of Oxford, anytime a new close friend or lover enters into your life, it displaces two others in your close circle, typically a family member or friend.
  • A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that the average friendship duration among college students was around seven years.
  • Research has shown that individuals with strong social support networks, including close friendships, tend to have better mental health, lower stress levels, and improved physical well-being.
  • The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported in 2019 that over 70% of Australians aged 15 and above participate in social or community activities for at least one hour per week.
  • According to the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index 2021, having strong friendships is one of the top contributors to overall life satisfaction in Australia.

Top things to do in Australia for National Best Friend Day

  • Spread awareness about the holiday using the hashtags #nationalbestfriendday, #NBF, #bff and #besties.
  • Have a picnic in the park with your best friend. This can be at a park or in any open space so you can both enjoy the great weather.
  • Celebrate National Best Friend Day and watch an Australian film about friendship. Here are our top picks:
    1. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994)- This iconic Australian film follows the journey of two drag queens and a transwoman as they travel across the Australian Outback in a bus, forming strong bonds along the way.
    2. Muriel's Wedding (1994)- This Australian classic is about a socially awkward woman named Muriel and her newfound best friend, Rhonda, as they navigate life, self-discovery, and friendship.
    3. Bran Nue Dae (2009)- This Australian musical comedy-drama follows a young man's journey to find his true self and the friendship he forms with a group of misfits along the way.
  • Explore the great outdoors by taking a hike together in a national park, such as the Blue Mountains or the Great Ocean Road.

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