Vegan Day

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World Vegan Day

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Vegan Day History

World Vegan Day is an annual observance that aims to promote the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. This includes not consuming animal products or by-products and abstaining from using products derived from animals for ethical, health or environmental reasons. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about the positive impacts associated with veganism and empowering individuals to make informed choices in their daily lives.

Originally established in 1994 by the Vegan Society, World Vegan Day celebrates the founding of the organisation in the United Kingdom. Since then, it has grown in popularity across the globe and encouraged countless people in the UK to adopt a vegan lifestyle. This has resulted in a significant increase in demand for plant-based food options and industry growth over the years. We now have a thriving market for vegan products and services, and the UK is considered one of the leaders in vegan innovation.

In the United Kingdom, World Vegan Day is observed through various activities including educational events, informative workshops, public talks, and food tastings. These events take place not only in major cities but also in smaller communities, where local vegan scene organizers and activists work together to reach a wider audience. Additionally, many vegan-friendly establishments offer special promotions and discounts on this day, creating an opportunity for people to try new products and explore plant-based cuisine. World Vegan Day is celebrated annually on the 1st of November, symbolising unity among the vegan community in the UK and worldwide.

Vegan Day facts & quotes

  • The Vegan Society was founded in 1944 by animal rights activist Donald Watson. Watson coined the term vegan as a way to, be ethical to sentient animals.
  • The vegan society defines veganism as, a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms, it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.
  • Surveys have suggested that the majority of vegans in the UK are young people between the ages of 15 and 34.
  • London is often referred to as the vegan capital of the world because of the vast number of vegan and vegan-friendly restaurants and businesses in the city.

Top things to do in the UK for Vegan Day

  • Explore vegan food options. You might find something you like. Check out Vegan Essentials to explore everything vegan.
  • Order takeout or delivery from local vegan restaurants and cafes, support vegan-friendly businesses, or consider buying vegan products from small, independent brands.
  • Join an online vegan cooking class or workshop. With many organizations and vegan chefs offering live virtual sessions, you can learn new recipes, techniques, and tips from experts in the field.

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