Slipper Day

Slipper Day Quick Facts

2024 Date31 May 2024

Slipper Day

Slipper Day in 2024

Slipper Day History

Slipper Day is aimed at raising awareness and funds for vulnerable and disadvantaged children. Participants wearing slippers or brightly coloured socks work together to generate public consciousness for this cause. In South Africa, it has become a popular and impactful annual initiative led by Reach for a Dream Foundation, a non-profit organization that works tirelessly to fulfill the dreams of children fighting life-threatening illnesses and uplift their spirits during the toughest times of their lives.

The concept of Slipper Day was inspired by an international movement, which started in 1991. It gained popularity in South Africa around 2014 to create a local event supporting the Reach for a Dream Foundation. With increased visibility and support from various sectors, individuals, and corporate organizations, Slipper Day continues to grow each year, expanding its reach and impact on the lives of children in need throughout South Africa. Local celebrities, sports teams, and well-known personalities have also joined the cause, donning slippers and lending their voices to make an impactful difference.

To observe Slipper Day in South Africa, participants purchase a Slipper Day wristband from participating retail outlets or online platforms for a nominal fee, which goes directly to the Reach for a Dream Foundation. Wristband holders wear their slippers or colourful socks to work, school, or public places on a designated day, creating visible support and awareness for the cause. The South African Slipper Day is usually held in May.

Slipper Day Facts

  • Slipper Day in 2022 generated over R6 million and expects to raise R8 million in 2023.
  • In 2023, pneumonia is the leading cause of death among children in South Africa. About 700,000 children die each year.
  • Malaria, diarrhoea, HIV, and tuberculosis are the most common diseases killing children in South Africa.
  • Children with life-threatening illnesses often experience emotional and psychological challenges, including depression, anxiety, and fear of death. Their families also undergo significant emotional stress.
  • Maintaining a sense of hope can be incredibly beneficial for children and their families facing life-threatening illnesses. This hope can come from advances in medical research or simply from the love and support of family and friends.

Slipper Day Top Things to Do

  • Encourage everyone in your family to wear their slippers all day to create awareness and support for kids with life-threatening illnesses. Take pictures and share them on social media with appropriate hashtags. This simple act can help raise awareness and funds for charities supporting the cause.
  • Encourage kids to come up with creative ways to raise funds for charities supporting children with life-threatening illnesses. They can organize a mini virtual marathon, a talent show, or a small sale where they sell crafts, baked goods, or artwork.
  • Involve kids in baking or cooking activities to celebrate Slipper Day. Prepare special treats like slipper-shaped cookies, cupcakes, or pancakes.
  • Engage children in creating art and crafts related to Slipper Day and life-threatening illnesses. They can design and decorate personalized slippers, create inspiring posters or cards, or make symbolic crafts that represent hope, courage, and strength.

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