International Day of Peace

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2024 Date21 September 2024
2025 Date21 September 2025

International Day of Peace

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International Day of Peace History

The International Day of Peace is a global observance designated by the United Nations, aimed at promoting and strengthening the ideals of peace within and among nations and people. It is devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of non-violence, tolerance, dialogue, and cooperation among different cultures and religions. The day serves as a reminder of our continuous responsibility to promote a world free from conflict, injustice, and human suffering, fostering opportunities for reconciliation and community-building within societies across the world.

Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981, International Day of Peace is marked to encourage all nations to honour a day of ceasefire and engage in various activities that promote peace within their communities. In the United Kingdom, International Day of Peace holds particular significance as a country with a diverse population and rich history of promoting social justice, human rights, and peacekeeping efforts around the world. It provides an opportunity for British citizens to come together, to reflect upon the United Kingdom's deep-rooted peace-building contributions and reaffirm their commitment to fostering peace in their local communities, as well as across the globe.

International Day of Peace is observed across the United Kingdom through a range of activities and events coordinated by numerous organizations, including government bodies, educational institutions, and civil society groups. These events often include conferences, workshops, interfaith dialogues, peace marches, and local community projects, all focusing on the significance of peace and the importance of unity in diversity. International Day of Peace is observed globally every year on September 21st, providing a valuable opportunity for British society to join the global community in celebrating and promoting the vital principles of peace and unity in their everyday lives.

Facts about International Day of Peace

  • The theme for International Day of Peace in 2023 was Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals.
  • The GPI ranks 163 independent states and territories (collectively accounting for 99.7 per cent of the world’s population) according to their levels of peacefulness.
  • The UK was a founding member of the United Nations in 1945 and an early advocate for the establishment of the UN Peacekeeping Forces.
  • Significant peace agreements have been brokered by the UK, such as the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, which led to a period of peace and stability in Northern Ireland. The UK government, along with Ireland and the United States, worked to bring an end to decades of violence between Catholic and Protestant communities in Northern Ireland, known as "The Troubles."

Top things to do in the UK for International Day of Peace

  • Plant a peace tree. The LEAF International Organization helps schools around the globe plant trees for peace and prepare for a more sustainable future.
  • Light a candle at dusk in support of world peace.
  • Many people in the UK use the International Day of Peace as an opportunity to engage in acts of kindness or participate in volunteer work that contributes to peace and understanding, such as supporting refugees or engaging in interfaith initiatives.
  • Visit peace monuments and memorials. Some of locations in the UK include the Peace Garden in Birmingham, the Conscientious Objectors Memorial in London's Tavistock Square, and the Peace Statue in Hove.

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