Vesak Day

Vesak Day Quick Facts - CA

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Vesak Day

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Vesak Day History

Vesak Day commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha, the philosophical founder of Buddhism. It's a time when followers of Buddhism engage in various religious and charitable activities. Offering food and goods to monastic communities, practicing kindness and generosity, and attending lessons on Buddhist teachings are some of the notable practices during this event. Meditation, a fundamental practice in Buddhism, aims to cultivate empathy, mindfulness, and enlightenment is also emphasized during Vesak Day.

Vesak Day offshoots from Indian origins, where Gautama Buddha was believed to have lived and taught the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, considered core tenets in Buddhism. In Canada, Buddhism plays a significant role in the multireligious and multicultural tapestry, with an estimated 366,000 adherents according to the 2011 National Household Survey. Consequently, Vesak Day is recognized and celebrated among the widespread Buddhist community in the country, contributing to the diversity and multiculturalism in Canadian society.

In Canada, the observance of Vesak Day may vary among the different Buddhist communities. Similar to other countries, the Canadian Buddhist community typically organizes Dharma talks, meditation sessions, and charitable activities. Ceremonies often include the lighting of lanterns and candles, symbolizing enlightenment and liberation from suffering. Vesak Day is not a public holiday in Canada and thus does not have a specific fixed date. Vesak Day generally takes place in May or early June, aligning with other countries' celebrations based on the Asian lunisolar calendars.

Facts about Vesak Day

  • About 535 million people around the world practice Buddhism.
  • According to the World Population Review, as of 2022, the countries with the highest proportion of Buddhist followers are:
    1) Cambodia
    2) Thailand
    3) Myanmar
    4) Bhutan
    5) Sri Lanka
  • In Toronto, the West End Buddhist Temple usually organizes the largest Vesak celebration in Canada. This event includes a variety of activities, like a blood donation campaign, admonition to the Buddhist precepts, a charity walk and a candlelit procession.
  • Buddhism is one of the largest religions in Canada. According to the latest Census carried out in 2011, approximately 366,000 individuals identified as Buddhist in Canada. This prevalence of Buddhists in the community has made Vesak Day a popular observance in Canada.

Top things to do in Canada for Vesak Day

  • Practice mindfulness. The Buddha taught that the way to end suffering is by eliminating desire. Be mindful and aware of your thoughts and actions. Try to understand why you do the things that you do.
  • Explore several Buddhist Heritage Sites. UNESCO has partnered with the Korea International Cooperation Agency to develop a project that promotes Buddhist heritage sites.
  • Watch a Documentary to learn more about Vesak Day:
    The Buddha (2010) - A PBS documentary narrated by Richard Gere and directed by David Grubin. The film presents the life and teachings of the Buddha, as well as insights on meditation and mindfulness practices.
    Amongst White Clouds (2005) - A documentary that provides a rare glimpse into the lives of Buddhist hermit monks living in the Zhongnan Mountains of China, who continue the legacy of the ancient masters who inspired them.
  • Attend Vesak at Mississauga Celebration Square: In previous years, celebrations have been held at Mississauga Celebration Square which includes cultural performances, teachings, meditation sessions, food, and communal activities to celebrate Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and passing into Nirvana.

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