World Bee Day

World Bee Day Quick Facts - CA

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World Bee Day

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World Bee Day History

World Bee Day seeks to raise awareness of the role bees play in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems. This includes their vital contribution to food security, biodiversity, and sustainable agriculture. Bees pollinate nearly 75% of our crops, which directly influences both the quality and the availability of the food we consume. World Bee Day highlights the urgent need to protect and preserve bee populations, which are increasingly under threat due to changing climate, loss of habitat, and human impact.

Established by the United Nations General Assembly on the initiative of Slovenia, the observance was first celebrated in 2018 and gained momentum as other countries acknowledged the significance of bee populations and took action to conserve their habitats. In recent years, various programs, policies, and actions have been implemented in Canada. These initiatives focus on enhancing bee health and ensuring pollination through research studies, information sharing, and political interventions.

Canada observes World Bee Day to acknowledge the role bees play in maintaining the balance of Canadian ecosystems and supporting the country's agricultural industry. The Observance of World Bee Day is celebrated on the 20th of May.

World Bee Day facts

  • According to the UN, about 35% of invertebrate pollinators (bees and butterflies) face global extinction due to human impact.
  • A single honeybee can produce around 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
  • A typical honeybee colony can consist of 20,000 to 80,000 bees during peak season.
  • Canada has over 800 native bee species, which are vital to its agricultural sectors and various ecosystems.
  • A study from the University of Guelph estimates that bees contribute around C$2.35 billion ($1.79 billion) annually to Canada's economy through their pollination services.

Top things to do in Canada for World Bee Day

  • Do what you can to help bees! Plant native plants and flowers, avoid using pesticides or herbicides, and purchase honey from local farmers.
  • Explore a collection of poems about bees and their importance.
  • Watch a movie about bees today. Here are our top picks:
    1. Keeping Canada Alive - Episode 96 (2015): This episode of the Canadian documentary series follows a day in the life of Penticton beekeeper Jeff Lee as he works to keep his bees thriving and help maintain the Okanagan Valley's vital fruit industry.
    2. The Wonderful World of Bees (2012): A Canadian documentary that features beekeeper Brian Campbell as he shares his knowledge about bees, pollination, and the importance of preserving the species. The film also highlights the diversity of bee species in Canada.
    3. The Nature of Things - The Great Wild Indoors (2018): This episode of the long-running Canadian television series highlights the incredible world of insects that live inside our homes, including bees. The program explores the surprisingly diverse ecosystem of insects and other creatures that inhabit our daily lives.
  • Check out your local bee farm and go honey tasting or on a farm tour. Celebrate World Bee Day by learning about the art of beekeeping and enjoy fresh honey products.

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