MTV Movie and TV Awards

MTV Movie and TV Awards Quick Facts - US

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2024 DateSeptember 22, 2024

MTV Movie and TV Awards

MTV Movie and TV Awards in

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Date shown for 2024 is estimated as the official date has not been finalized as of June 2024.

MTV Movie Awards History

The MTV Movie & TV Awards is dedicated to acknowledging exceptional performances and productions in the film and television industry. This celebration is marked by honoring those who have created an impact with their creative and artistic abilities in both movies and television. It covers various categories encompassing diverse genres and recognizes everything from Best Actor and Best Show to cultural icons and breakout stars.

Initially launched as the MTV Movie Awards in 1992, this event featured unique categories such as Best Kiss and Best Villain, which set it apart from traditional award shows. In 2017, it was rebranded to include television categories, thus embracing and reflecting the changing landscape and amalgamation of the entertainment industry. This ceremony is especially popular among young audiences in America which aligns with MTV's primary demographic. Furthermore, it often reflects cultural trends and societal issues relevant to the American context, thereby making it an interesting snapshot of contemporary pop culture.

The observance of the MTV Movie and TV Awards in America typically involves excitement and anticipation, as celebrities, fans, and media entities come together to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year. Viewers tune in to watch the ceremony live, creating a communal viewing experience. Red carpet interviews and performances are highlights. This observance is more than just an awards show; it represents a celebration of the creative spirit and the influential power of the American film and TV industry. The MTV Movie and TV Awards are usually held in May or June.

Facts about MTV Movie and TV Awards

  • The 2023 MTV Movie & TV Awards show was set to be held from the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California, but instead was held virtually due to the Writers Guild of America strike.
  • In 2023, the movie Scream VI won the Best Movie Award, and the Best Show Award went to The Last of US.
  • I’ve just killed my chances of ever winning an Oscar - Jim Carrey, after winning Best Comedic Performance and Best Kiss for his role in Dumb and Dumber.
  • The MTV awards have novel categories such as Best Sandwich, Best Movie Spoof, and Best Gut-Wrenching Performance.
  • Jim Carrey, Robert Pattinson, Mike Myers and Kristen Stewart are the biggest winners in MTV Movie Award History with 11, 10, 7, and 7 awards respectively.

Top things to do in the US for MTV Movie and TV Awards

  • Tune in to watch the MTV Awards. They are broadcast live on MTV. See if your favorite actors receive any awards.
  • Check out highlights from MTV's greatest of all time catalogue.
  • Vote for your favorite actors online on MTV's website to support them.
  • Host an MTV Award party. Have a competition to see who can make the best popcorn statue and award a prize to the winner.

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